Baldwin City Baldwin City - Logo
teal background with dark blue text that says What do you love about Baldwin City?
Use words or images to share your favorite elements of Baldwin City’s heritage, landmarks, and natural beauty.
baldwin city police department badge on a dark blue background says offices closed monday, january 6
All City offices are closed on Monday, January 6, due to the winter storm and snow and ice covered roads. This includes City Hall, Public Works, and Baldwin City Police Department.
black and white image of a snow covered gnome, snow covered trees and sidewalks, an ice cream house, and a small snow plow
How are the roads: Winter Weather FAQ
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City Council meets the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month at the Baldwin City Community Center. Agendas, documents, livestreams, and more are available on the Council Resources page.
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Strategic Plan Vision: The safe, affordable, connected hometown for all.
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The City Budget Document is a solid plan identified and approved annually by the City Council. Access all budget documents here.
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To establish service for water, electric, sewer, and trash, contact City Hall at 785-594-6427.
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Bills are usually mailed out by the 10th, and are due by the 25th of each month at 5pm. Click to pay your bill online.
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Trash and recycling are contracted through Green Environmental Services.
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Bids and requests for proposals are posted regularly for various services.
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Baldwin City is a business-friendly, entrepreneurial community. Find out more about business organizations and development programs.
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Education and culture make our town a great place to live and do business. Find out more about what we have to offer.


Small Town Charm, Deep Roots

Home of Baker University, the Maple Leaf Festival, and 154 years of life and colorful history.

Baldwin City is the safe, affordable, and connected hometown for all.

It's a great place to raise a family!


What’s going on around here? Glad you asked.

We're always moving!

Whats happening around here?

Dive into the details of municipal projects that affect your every day life.

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Learn about the history of the old gymnasium now being renovated into a Community Center, and see the vision for the project as well as photos of the process.
Find out more

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2024 chip and seal work is expected to begin in August of 2024, and will cover the west side of town.
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