Clerical Error in the City Sales Tax Referendum

November 03, 2022

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Due to a clerical error, the Question Submitted Election Resolution that was submitted to the County Clerk the ballots in the polls reads one-quarter percent (.25%) instead of one-half percent (.50%).

Baldwin City Administration uses a third party vendor to create and facilitate a number of ordinances and resolutions. Due to an error at the vendor’s office, the Question Submitted Election Resolution that was submitted to the County Clerk the ballots in the polls reads one-quarter percent (.25%) instead of one-half percent (.50%). 

State law accepts the ballot language as final. 

If the referendum passes, the amount of increased sales tax will be one-quarter percent (.25%) instead of one-half percent (.50%). This means a yes vote would result in approximately $150,000 per year of increased revenue for the city instead of $300,000.

Please contact the City Clerk if you have questions or concerns at [email protected] or 785-594-6427.