Citywide Yard Sale to Take Place First Weekend in June

May 06, 2022

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Sign up for free before May 27th to get your yard sale on the map!

Digital and printed maps will be available at City Hall and the Library by June 1st. Yard sales must be located within 5 miles of Baldwin City in order to be included. 

Sign up here.

Questions? Ask at the Library or email Lynn at [email protected] or Wendy at [email protected].

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I sign up? Go to this link:

When is it? The first weekend in June, Saturday the 4th. Some people also choose to have sales on the 3rd or 5th.

What are the hours? That is determined by each yard sale owner.

Do we need a permit? No.

How do we advertise? One good, easy way is to sign up for the yard sale map . It’s free, it’s easy, and people can easily find you that way.

Is someone selling yard sale signs? There are no fundraiser yard sale sign sales at this time.