On August 15th, the Baldwin City Council approved an application to the Kansas Department of Commerce for a $150,000 CDBG-CVR grant. If awarded the grant, the funds will be dispersed to local qualifying businesses through an application committee designated by the city.
The intention of this grant is to provide enhancements to businesses to keep them from closing down in the event of a future pandemic or public health emergency with the overall goal of keeping people employed. Businesses with five or fewer employees are eligible to receive up to $30,000. Businesses between six and 50 employees are eligible to receive up to $50,000.
If you are interested in applying for this grant should the city be awarded the funds, please contact City Administrator Glenn Rodden at [email protected]. More information on this program is available on the Kansas Department of Commerce website here: https://www.kansascommerce.gov/cdbg/covid-resiliency-cvr/