60+ Yard Sales on the Docket for the First Weekend in June

June 01, 2022

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Get to Baldwin City the first weekend of June for the Citywide Yardsale Event!

Over 60 individuals have registered their yard sales on the Citywide Yardsale Map for this weekend. Are you headed to Baldwin to shop? Pick up a newspaper with all the listings inside at The Nook, grab a free printed map with listings at the Library or City Hall through open hours on Friday, or get your own digital version below.

Digital Map Access

1. Download the Yard Sale Treasure Map app on the Google Play Store or from the Apple App Store.

2. Use the Google Map available here . Tap the yard sale pins on the map for information on each sale.

3. Pick up a printed listing overview from the Library or at City Hall OR get your own here . NOTE: free printed maps are available while supplies last, and will not be available except during City Hall and Library normal open hours.

4. Drive around! There are at least 60 sales, so you'll definitely find something you can't live without.