Tree and Debris Pickup
May 15, 2022
We understand it can take some time to get downed trees and limbs moved, so there will be a final pick up pass in about a week. If you see the trucks going past full of brush tomorrow or the next day and they didn't get yours, don't panic. Just call Mattie and get on the list: 785-594-6907, or plan to bring your tree limbs to the Citywide Cleanup event on June 11th.
Crews will be out Monday, May 16th, to pick up the remainder of trees and limbs that fell across the street from Sunday morning's storms, and will continue until that work is finished.
All tree limbs and brush to be picked up need to be placed on the curb as soon as possible. City workers cannot go onto private property for cleanup and cannot pickup in alleys.
We understand it can take some time to get downed trees and limbs moved, so there will be a final pick up pass in about a week. If you see the trucks going past full of brush tomorrow or the next day and they didn't get yours, don't panic. Just call Mattie and get on the list (785-594-6907), or plan to bring your tree limbs to the Citywide Cleanup event on June 11th.